TCA Grants Program
Program Update: TCA made an announcement in May 2024 that our 2024 TCA Grants Cycle will not occur. Our next anticipated grant cycle is currently scheduled for August 2025 - October 2026. Thank you for your interest in this program and stay connected with our newsletter for updates.
In 2021, the TCA Grants Program not only offered relief funding to aid taiko professionals adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but increased our funding cap to support more taiko projects. While continuing these efforts in 2023, we are excited to announce that we have expanded scope and capacity to support the taiko community even further.
The Taiko Community Alliance is seeking proposals for grants to support projects that align with, further, and promote the mission of TCA in alignment with our core values and guiding principles – more information about the TCA mission, values, and principles can be found here.
Since 2016, TCA has dedicated increasing amounts of funds to the Grant Program, culminating this year in $25,000 to fund grants that support projects in 2023-2024. To encourage creativity and innovation in proposals, a wide variety of project types will be considered. If you are unsure if your project is a fit, please read the FAQ (below).
Reminder For Canadian Applicants: Last year, Canada-based groups and individuals became eligible to apply for a TCA Grant without the need of a US-based fiscal sponsor! Groups and individuals outside of North America may also apply but will continue to need a fiscal sponsor in order to be eligible to receive funding.
As in past grant cycles, we are seeking projects that further TCA’s mission through alignment with our core values and guiding principles; however, to cultivate a richer pool of projects in alignment with each of these values, the next several cycles of grants will focus on one core value at a time. In 2023, our chosen theme is respect, defined in TCA’s Core Values as:
Acknowledging the diversity of philosophies and practices of individuals and groups within the taiko community while maintaining neutrality. Examples include using democratic processes wherever feasible; and engaging in mutually considerate and respectful conduct.
So what projects, performances, or ideas do you have that honors both the respect of taiko and respecting the taiko community?
Do projects need to focus only on this theme? Absolutely not. While we are seeking projects that highlight and exemplify this particular value of respect, we welcome and would be excited to see projects that promote this theme in addition to any (or all!) of our Core Values.
A total of $25,000 is available in the 2023 Grants Program. It is hoped that multiple projects will be supported; therefore, requesting the full $25,000 is not encouraged. For Tier 1 and 2, the minimum request is $2,000; you must request at least this amount in order for your proposal to be considered. For Tier 3, there is no minimum amount required, however awards will not exceed $500.
This year, funds have been designated across 3 tiers of application category; this ensures that TCA is prepared to support a wide range of project sizes, as well as both groups and individuals alike.
Tier 1: Large Projects
A total of $15,000 has been allocated to support large-scale projects, events, and/or gatherings that involve multiple groups and/or regions*.
Tier 2: Small- to Mid-Sized Projects
A total of $5,000 has been allocated to support small- to mid-sized projects, events, and/or gatherings focused on a single group or a project focused locally*.
*Depending on the region, a “regional” gathering and a “local” event/gathering may have vastly different meanings when it comes to the size of the project. For assistance in identifying which tier your proposal is better suited for, please be sure to attend one of our informational sessions or contact us directly with specific questions at: grants@taikocommunityalliance.org
Tier 3: Individual Funding
A total of $5,000 has been allocated to support individuals as small discretionary awards to cover a wide range of needs, including but not limited to rent, storage, repairs, or recouping lost income.
TCA membership is no longer required to apply for any tier of TCA Grants funding. Specific eligibility is dependent on the type of award you are applying for; please refer to the Eligibility Requirements and our FAQ below for more details on the criteria for each tier.
Award Eligibility:
Tier 1 & 2:
A 1:1 match is required. For example, if an applicant requests $2,000, that applicant should demonstrate that they have $2,000 worth of resources to dedicate to the project. Both cash and in-kind matches are accepted, and the match can be 100% in-kind.
Applicants must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit or a Canadian nonprofit registered with the Canadian Revenue Agency. US-based fiscal sponsors may be used and are required for an individual artist wishing to apply, as well as any groups applying from outside of the USA or Canada.
Applicants do not have to be members of TCA.
TCA Board members, employees, and contractors are not eligible to apply.
TCA is only able to make grants to US-based and Canadian-based nonprofits. Therefore, any international applicants must use a US-based 501(c)3 as a fiscal sponsor.
Applications that do not include the EIN of a valid 501(c)3 (or Canadian equivalent) will not be reviewed.
Tier 3:
Evidence that you are an active member of the taiko community. An “active” member is defined as someone practicing, performing, teaching, creating, or supporting the art of taiko. Evidence can include a variety of support materials (e.g., photos, emails, websites, program materials, resume, etc.).
Applicants must be able to provide documentation to receive funds as an individual – either a W-4 or Form TD1 – in order to track funds for tax filing purposes.
Applicants do not have to be a member of TCA.
Applications without the requested documentation will not be reviewed.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria. Beneath each criterion is some of the detailed questions panelists will consider in reviewing proposals.
Alignment with TCA Mission (40%):
How well does the proposal embody the TCA mission, values, and current strategic framework goals? How well does it highlight the theme of RESPECT?
Feasibility (30%):
Does this project demonstrate a high likelihood of success in accomplishing goals? (i.e., does it have the right people (skills, time, etc), a realistic and clear budget, and a realistic timeline?) Are admin/overhead costs justified? If this request is part of a larger project, is there a high-level overview of the entire budget? (i.e., full cost of the project, how much of the required revenue has been identified, how much has been raised.)
Significance (30%):
Does this project have a broad reach and/or deep engagement? For how many? Is this a topic that has widespread demand, interest, and/or impact across the many types of taiko styles and players that make up the TCA constituency? What benefits does this project convey for the larger taiko community, in addition to benefits it brings to the primary applicant’s group/region?
Tier 3 applicants will be evaluated with the following criteria:
Instead of applying for this award tier by demonstrating financial need or artistic merit, Individual Awards are a discretionary fund we can distribute to any active member of the taiko community.
This means that the eligibility for this award is the ability to provide proof of involvement in the taiko community.
This award will be funded on a first come, first serve basis until funds are depleted.
These small discretionary awards are intended to meet the need of the applicant, whether that be rent money for taiko storage, general maintenance, etc. You will be asked to provide a statement of how you intend to use these funds.
Our 2023 Grant Cycle is now closed. We will update this page with our 2024 Grant Cycle information in Summer 2024.
On July 25, 2023 TCA held a live, interactive webinar sharing 2023 Grants program process and how to apply. Click here to view that recorded session.
We love questions! Email all questions to Kristina McGaha, TCA Executive Director
What is a fiscal sponsor?
A fiscal sponsor is a registered nonprofit that agrees to receive grant funds on behalf of a grant applicant who is not a registered nonprofit. For TCA Grants, this nonprofit must be based in the US. Typically, fiscal sponsors will receive a small percentage of the grant award for their sponsorship. More details can be found here. If you need a fiscal sponsor, it is highly recommended that you arrange that partnership well in advance of submitting your application. TCA cannot serve as a fiscal sponsor for this grant.
What’s an EIN?
Employer Identification Number; it is a number assigned to an organization by the US Federal government at that organization’s request. Essentially, it’s the organizational equivalent of a Social Security Number. US- and Canadian-based groups should provide an EIN or equivalent tax identification number when applying for a TCA Grant. In many cases, international (excluding Canada) organizations may also request an EIN designation for dealings with US-based organizations. For more information on EIN designations, please check out https://www.irs.gov/ or https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency.html
I have a social security number, is that the same as an EIN?
Unfortunately, no. You must apply through a nonprofit organization with a valid EIN. TCA can only legally make grants to US- and Canadian-based nonprofits. Individual awards in Tier 3 applications, however, may require the use of your social security number (or Canadian equivalent) to complete the W-4 form or Form TD1.
How can I tell if my EIN is linked to a valid 501c3?
As a first step, search for your organization on Candid. If it doesn’t show up, your EIN might not be connected to a valid 501c3. You’ll need to dig further within your organization to answer the question.
Can international taiko groups apply?
Yes! Canadian nonprofits are welcome to apply with their business number provided by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). Other international groups may also apply, but only with a US-based or Canadian-based fiscal sponsor. If your group possesses an EIN number (the IRS can provide you with one if you are an international group) then please provide this as well.
Can individuals apply?
Yes, but only with the appropriate fiscal sponsorship if applying for Tier 1.For individuals applying for Tier 2, no fiscal sponsor is required, but you will need to provide your SSI via a W-4 form. Canadian individuals applying for Tier 2 will be asked to provide the equivalent tax form (Form TD1).
What does it mean that the match can be “in-kind?”
In-kind match is a non-cash contribution towards your project. As an example, imagine that you’re proposing to host a gathering of taiko groups in an isolated region. The facility where you plan to hold this gathering agrees to let you use it for free, rather than charging you their usual $500 fee. That is a $500 in-kind match. Your entire match can be in-kind.
My group wants to submit a proposal for our 10th anniversary concert. Is that a fit?
Under our new grant program structure, such projects would be considered part of our large-scale or mid-scale Tier 1, depending on details of the scope and size of the event. Historically, TCA has funded concerts that substantially strengthen a regional taiko community, promote visibility of a key underrepresented segment of taiko artists, or that are held in conjunction with meaningful documentation of taiko history.
Anniversary concerts, local performances, or projects pertaining/involving one group, are typically considered mid-size Tier 1 ideas. We are pleased to include such projects for funding in the 2021 grant cycle. For further clarity, you can always send us a question directly as well.
What does Tier 3 Funding cover?
Tier 3 Funding is meant to be small, discretionary awards to individuals in the taiko community. A discretionary award means that these funds can be spent as you see fit with no special budget included in your application. However, for our own tracking, we would love to hear how you used the funds awarded. This will inform our future Grant Programs.
If I have questions who do I ask?
We love questions! Email all questions to Kristina McGaha, TCA Executive Director
“Don’t be intimidated by the application process. TCA is there to help because they *want* to support and see taiko groups succeed. Kristina McGaha walked us through the grant application process and answered all our questions. As a mentor, Carley Okamura checked in with us, encouraged us, and gave really thoughtful and helpful advice. If you have an idea - go or it!”
“Do it! Apply for a grant from TCA. Kristina was super helpful and made time for a Zoom call with us to answer all our questions as we were preparing our application. What the funds could be used for was very flexible and we were able to complete the project because of this flexibility. Other grants restricted how funds could be used and the TCA grant covered the costs other grants wouldn’t. ”